Fachschaft Wirtschaftsinformatik und Data Science
Student Union for Business Informatics and Data Science at TU Wien
Treitlstraße 3, 1040 Wien
1st floor, Rooms DE0101-DE0102
Please beware that there is an upper ground floor (“Hochparterre”) between the ground floor and 1st floor. You need to go up two stairs.
Mailing adress
Fachschaft Wirtschaftsinformatik und Data Science
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10
1040 Wien
+43 1 58801 – 49563
beratung[at]winf.at (consultation)
fachschaft[at]winf.at (contact)
Do you have questions regarding the studies? Take a look at our FAQ or write us at beratung[at]winf.at Find the Data Protection Legal Advice regarding our mail adress in the Impressum.
Opening hours
Some of our members take care that our Fachschaft is open for you to come by and have a chat, to study or just relax and have a coffee. We call that “Journaldienst”. You can see the times here in our Journaldienst calendar. Apart from these times there’s usually always someone here. If you want to have an appointment outside of these hours don’t hesitate to contact us and we can arrange one!