Here you can see simple overviews of the current curricula of Business Informatics and Data Science. The courses are available in TISS.
Current official and past curricula, as well as transistion rules can be found on the homepage of the faculty (partly in German).
Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik
This study programme is taught in German. Therefore the Curricula is written in German as well.
Das folgende Bild, zeigt eine Übersicht über den Studienplan sowie die empfohlene Semestereinteilung. Die entsprechenden Fächer können im TISS unter Studienangebot – Bachelorstudium Wirtschaftsinformatik gefunden werden. Wenn man auf Semesteransicht geht, erhält man eine Einteilung der Pflichtfächer nach dem Übersichtsbild.

Master Business Informatics
The following image shows the general structure of the master programme. You can find the courses in TISS if you go to Academic programs – Master program Business Informatics. If you click on “Show by semester” you will get an arrangement like this overview.

Master Data Science
The following image shows the general structure of the master programme. You can find the courses in TISS if you go to Academic programs – Master programme Data Science. If you click on “Show by semester” you will get an arrangement like this overview.