Inflation is also greatly affecting the universities, which are already ravaged by insufficient funding. The TU Wien alone is facing additional costs of over 170 million euros in part due to rising heating and electricity costs. Even with the toughest cost-cutting measures, the additional budget of almost 60 million euros promised by the Ministry of Education is far from enough to plug the budget hole.
The consequences are already becoming apparent: cuts in laboratory budgets, hiring freezes, and reduced teaching and research budgets, but also cold lecture halls, closed learning rooms, and further online-only semesters.
We have until November 11th to convince the Ministry of Education to increase the currently planned budget to meet the reality. To remind the decision makers of the importance TU Wien has for society and let alone us students, we are planning to take action on Monday, November 7th. Together with the rectorate, lecturers, and the entire TU Wien, we are going to protest for an adequate education budget.